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Mari Manfaatkan Limbah Rumah Tangga

Olah Limbah Rumah Tangga dengan Eco Enzyme  Eco enzyme adalah suatu jenis enzim yang ramah lingkungan dan dapat digunakan untuk menguraikan bahan-bahan organik menjadi komponen yang lebih sederhana. Eco enzyme biasanya dibuat dari bahan-bahan alami seperti sayuran, buah-buahan, dan dedaunan. Eco Enzyme Manfaat Eco Enzyme Mengurangi Limbah : Eco enzyme dapat mengurangi jumlah limbah yang dihasilkan oleh industri dan rumah tangga. Menghemat Energi : Proses penguraian dengan eco enzyme relatif lebih hemat energi dibandingkan dengan proses penguraian secara konvensional. Mengurangi Polusi : Eco enzyme tidak menghasilkan polusi udara, air, dan tanah. Meningkatkan Efisiensi : Proses penguraian dengan eco enzyme dapat meningkatkan efisiensi pengolahan limbah dan bahan-bahan organik. Cara Membuat Eco Enzyme Bahan-bahan : Sayuran, buah-buahan, dedaunan, gula merah, dan air. Proses : Campurkan semua bahan-bahan dalam suatu wadah, kemudian biarkan selama beberapa minggu hingga terjadi proses ...

Recommended West Papua Robusta Coffee

West Papua Robusta Coffee You Should Know Coffee is one of the main commodities for the agricultural sector in West Papua. Supported by the geographical conditions, rich fertility soil of mountain ranges, the quality of the coffee produced is unquestionable.  Dating back to the beginning of the 20th century, the coffee plantations were implemented in West Papua due to the influence of evangelists’ arrival. Since then, the plantation pattern has been developed and become the famous Papua Coffee Plantation.  West Papua Diary Arabica Coffee from West Papua is famous and even got the title as one of the best coffees in Indonesia, along with celebes’ Toraja, Aceh’s Gayo, West Java’s Malabar and Nusa Tenggara’s Flores. While West Papua has wonderful varieties of Arabica Coffee, they also have abundant Robusta Coffee varieties.  Robusta Coffee in West Papua is grown with a semi-forest grown technique (agroforestry). However, West Papuan Robusta Coffees generally grow naturally w...

Recommended Extreme Food From West Papua

Recommended Extreme Food From West Papua West Papua is an Indonesian province that is home to a variety of extreme foods. One of the most interesting (and disgusting) is the Papuan Ant’s Nest. This dish is made from the nests of red ants, which are collected from the rainforest floor. West Papua Story The nests are then boiled in water and served with rice. While it may not look appetizing, this dish is considered a delicacy in West Papua. Understanding the Papuan Ant’s Nest The Papuan ant’s nest is a dish made from the nests of red ants, which are collected from the rainforest floor. The nests are then boiled in water and served with rice. While it may not look appetizing, this dish is considered a delicacy in West Papua. There are many different cultures on West Papua, and the dish is just one example of the extreme foods that can be found there. For some, eating insects is a way to show off their bravery and machismo. Others see it as a way to connect with nature. And for some, it’s...