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Mari Manfaatkan Limbah Rumah Tangga

Olah Limbah Rumah Tangga dengan Eco Enzyme  Eco enzyme adalah suatu jenis enzim yang ramah lingkungan dan dapat digunakan untuk menguraikan bahan-bahan organik menjadi komponen yang lebih sederhana. Eco enzyme biasanya dibuat dari bahan-bahan alami seperti sayuran, buah-buahan, dan dedaunan. Eco Enzyme Manfaat Eco Enzyme Mengurangi Limbah : Eco enzyme dapat mengurangi jumlah limbah yang dihasilkan oleh industri dan rumah tangga. Menghemat Energi : Proses penguraian dengan eco enzyme relatif lebih hemat energi dibandingkan dengan proses penguraian secara konvensional. Mengurangi Polusi : Eco enzyme tidak menghasilkan polusi udara, air, dan tanah. Meningkatkan Efisiensi : Proses penguraian dengan eco enzyme dapat meningkatkan efisiensi pengolahan limbah dan bahan-bahan organik. Cara Membuat Eco Enzyme Bahan-bahan : Sayuran, buah-buahan, dedaunan, gula merah, dan air. Proses : Campurkan semua bahan-bahan dalam suatu wadah, kemudian biarkan selama beberapa minggu hingga terjadi proses ...

Must Know the Newest Update for Expatriate Work Permit in Indonesia

Newest Expatriate Work Permit and Immigration Updates in Indonesia Any expats want to work in Indonesia needs to have a work permit and a stay permit. This article will cover anything that you need to know regarding expatriate work permit and stay permit in Indonesia. New regulations regarding expatriate work permit have been issued, namely: Indonesian Government Regulation Number 34 of 2021 on the Expatriate Utilization (“ GR 34/2021 ”) and Indonesian Manpower Minister Regulation Number 8 of 2021 on the Implementing Regulation of GR 34/2021 (“ MMR 8/2021 ”). We will explain the important points regulated in GR 34/2021 and MMR 8/2021. NP Consultant Types of employers that are permitted to hire expats in Indonesia MMR 8/2021 regulates types of employers who are eligible to hire expats in Indonesia, as follows: (a) governmental institution, foreign country representative, and international body; (b) foreign trading representative office, foreign company representative office, and foreign...

Recommended Law and Regulations Before Entering Indonesia

Laws and regulations you should know before entering Indonesia Hereby the laws and regulations that need to be prepared in Indonesia based on category of fields : NPConsultant General corporate commercial and investment NPConsultant assists clients to set up business in Indonesia and carry-on business until company closure (winding up). We assist and advise clients on the structuring and establishment of Indonesian companies carrying out wide range of business activities. We assist clients with a broad range of corporate services, including the drafting of joint venture agreements and related transaction agreements and providing advice on regulatory and compliance matters, assisting the establishment of Indonesian companies, representative offices, and the winding up of companies, etc. Merger and acquisition NPConsultant assists mergers, acquisitions, consolidations and spin-offs in Indonesia. We advise on all aspects of mergers, acquisitions, consolidations and spin-offs, including pr...