Resiko Kesehatan Jika Menggunakan Ulang Botol Plastik Kemasan Air Botol plastik kemasan air telah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan sehari-hari kita. Namun, menggunakan ulang botol plastik kemasan air dapat membawa resiko kesehatan yang serius. Berikut adalah beberapa resiko kesehatan yang dapat terjadi jika menggunakan ulang botol plastik kemasan air : Paparan Bahan Kimia Berbahaya : Botol plastik kemasan air dapat mengandung bahan kimia berbahaya seperti Bisphenol A (BPA), Phthalates, dan Antimony. Bahan kimia ini dapat bocor ke dalam air dan menyebabkan keracunan. Pertumbuhan Bakteri dan Jamur : Botol plastik kemasan air yang digunakan ulang dapat menjadi tempat pertumbuhan bakteri dan jamur. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan infeksi dan keracunan. Kontaminasi dari Bahan Plastik : Botol plastik kemasan air dapat mengandung bahan plastik yang dapat kontaminasi air. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan keracunan dan masalah kesehatan lainnya. Pengaruh pada Sistem Imun : Paparan bahan kimia berbahaya dari bo...
Best Desiccated Coconut Full Fat
Desiccated coconut is fresh coconut that has been shredded or flaked and dried. It is typically unsweetened, but the term is sometimes also used to refer to the less dry sweetened flake coconut as well.
Desiccated coconut is ground, rather than shredded. The fine texture looks almost like a fresh snowfall. The main difference between desiccated coconut and flaked or shredded coconut is that the moisture has been removed.
Below are criteria for Best Desiccated Coconut Product :
- Color : Natural White
- Flavor : Mild & Sweet
- characteristic of Coconut
- Free Fatty Acid : Max 0,1%
- Total Fat : 65 ±5%
Certification : Halal
Function :
- Used for fruit juice drinks.
- Used for Health Medicine.
- Used for infant or baby food, much more safe and health.
- Used for puffed food, baking food and etc.
- Used to cook wheaten food.
- Used as condiment
- Used to production pangoods.
- 25 kg multi layer kraft paper bag with polyethylene liner
- 20 feet Container : Max load 13 mt
- 40 feet Container : Max load 26 mt
Desiccated Coconut Full Fat |
Looking for desiccated coconut with full fat. AmertaCoco already well know for the Best Desiccated coconut full fat. Amerta Coco are experieced and trusted for coconut manufacturers, committed to deliver high quality products.
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